I convinced dad to go for a walk with us to tend to the horses the other day. It was a beautiful day....much too beautiful to be cooped up inside! :)
Though he didn't understand why I was taking pictures, every time he noticed the camera he would stop and smile at me. LOL He used to work with horses in his youth and talked about it quite frequently in recent years. I thought being with our horses would jog some memories, but it didn't seem to. He held the lead to the tamest mare, but didn't do much more than that. He wasn't afraid or anything....just not sure what to do.
Walking home across the 'back 40' on our place, he and Junior enjoyed seeing who could spot the most turtle heads in the pond and then the frogs that were jumping from the bank into the pond as we circled round.
He had a Dr. appt. on Wednesday, although he had to see a diff. doctor since his was still out sick. They put him on some anti-anxiety meds and a memory patch that he wears. The last few days have been much calmer and more pleasant for all of us, especially him. :0) No more "shaky-shaky" and he has successfully learned how to call me using the speed dial. He can only call me, but that works since I always have my cell on and can always call someone else for help if I'm not close by. For the most part, I'm trying to stay closer to home, or at least not be gone for too long of a time period. He didn't eat lunch on Saturday (I was working, but hubby checked on him). He thought he had, but was starving when my mom got home from work, and she found his bowl of raviolis in the fridge, untouched. He's gotten VERY picky about what he will/will not eat. Nothing crunchy AT ALL (he soaks his cookies under the running sink faucet, then shoves them in his mouth), and no breads. It makes it hard to get his nutrients in, but hopefully with the new meds some of that will lighten up.
I met a woman today while I was working that had some different ideas on healing and medicating. She mentioned getting him some oxygen ( the kind you take to oxygenate your blood) which makes sense, but I'll have to research it further. She also mentioned some other more off the wall ideas that left me.....well, bumfuzzled to state it as clearly as I can. LOL :0)
I guess I better go and get some rest so I can tackle this next week with some fervor!
I'll post again soon and thanks to all who read and pray for us!!! It truly is working. I could feel the power of prayer wrap itself around me the last few days of the week....my stress levels were lower than even the average day would leave me, and the girls and I worked like a well-oiled machine. I couldn't do that without the power of the Almighty....and prayer warriors like you. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart!
He had a Dr. appt. on Wednesday, although he had to see a diff. doctor since his was still out sick. They put him on some anti-anxiety meds and a memory patch that he wears. The last few days have been much calmer and more pleasant for all of us, especially him. :0) No more "shaky-shaky" and he has successfully learned how to call me using the speed dial. He can only call me, but that works since I always have my cell on and can always call someone else for help if I'm not close by. For the most part, I'm trying to stay closer to home, or at least not be gone for too long of a time period. He didn't eat lunch on Saturday (I was working, but hubby checked on him). He thought he had, but was starving when my mom got home from work, and she found his bowl of raviolis in the fridge, untouched. He's gotten VERY picky about what he will/will not eat. Nothing crunchy AT ALL (he soaks his cookies under the running sink faucet, then shoves them in his mouth), and no breads. It makes it hard to get his nutrients in, but hopefully with the new meds some of that will lighten up.
I met a woman today while I was working that had some different ideas on healing and medicating. She mentioned getting him some oxygen ( the kind you take to oxygenate your blood) which makes sense, but I'll have to research it further. She also mentioned some other more off the wall ideas that left me.....well, bumfuzzled to state it as clearly as I can. LOL :0)
I guess I better go and get some rest so I can tackle this next week with some fervor!
I'll post again soon and thanks to all who read and pray for us!!! It truly is working. I could feel the power of prayer wrap itself around me the last few days of the week....my stress levels were lower than even the average day would leave me, and the girls and I worked like a well-oiled machine. I couldn't do that without the power of the Almighty....and prayer warriors like you. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart!
Those pictures are so sweet. Still praying for your dad, and for all of you...